Healing Series V

Inspired by the Holy Ghost,  written by channelofhealing Authors

Greetings in the Name of the Lord most High, I give God all the Glory for the impact the Healing Series has had in our lives this past few weeks, we are almost through... since it a seven part series but, I will like to state here that if you are new to this blog or new to this particular post(S), please feel free to check out Healing series I, Healing Series II, Healing Series III, Healing Series IV.                                                                                   

Beloved, Let us bear in mind that even though we are healthy and strong, there are people around us who are not so strong, and they feel that they cannot make it through another day. So I urge you to feel free and print out this series for the  purpose of evangelism and ministering to the sick all around us and God will richly bless us all in Jesus Mighty Name Amen.


Healing basically comes from three sources:

· HEALING comes from God (miracles)…

· HEALING comes from medical application (practice)…

· HEALING comes from the devil (magic)...

The major concern of this book is divine healing. Let’s talk specifically on the second and third sources.

Medical: Believers are not exempted from medical care. The word of God does not encourage believers to avoid hospitals. Medical care is good. You only rebuke evil report from the hospital with the word of God. Reports like, “you have only two weeks to live”,your heart is rotten”, “your liver has shifted” if your faith cannot carry you... You could join faith with other brethren and rule out death. Go for the operation and return successful.

Magic: This brand of healing is from the devil. Believers should run from it as if pursued by a wild cow! This is a transient type of healing. A flash in the pan. Here today—gone tomorrow. It goes today in a sachet...The sickness returns tomorrow in a sack. There are some that do this type of healing at will all over the country/world. If magical healing takes a portion of sickness from you today, it shall return to you double, pressed down shaken together and running over capped with death. The evil one has no genuine plan for humanity. John 10:10. The devil cometh to steal, to kill and to destroy. This is his threefold ministry.

Would you surrender your life to a life to a healer with these terrible names: “

the wicked one” matt 13:19”.

The enemy matt 13:39,

murderer john8:44,

a liar john 8:44,

ruler of darkness Ephesians 6:12,

the tempter 1sth Thessalonians 3:5,

the king of death Hebrew 2:14,

a roaring lion 1sth peter 5:8,

angel of bottomless pit revelation 5:11,

destroyer (apollyon) revelation 9:11,

serpent of old revelation 20:2 and

the deceiver revelation 20:10.

God forbid it for you. In Jesus name!

Some people (believers) are so desperate about healing that they begin to say, so long as I am healed I don’t care where it comes from. You will surely care when the sickness returns in a more scientific style. “Healing ain’t just healing”.

Jesus has come that you may (if you believe) have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10.

“The sign of healing”

Our God does not need to be proven in an atmosphere for artificiality 2kings 5:11-1. With Gods healing grace everywhere just Obey the word and institutions of God. Do not seek the better waters of Abana and Pharphar, rivers of Damascus like Naaman.

The sign of healing from God culminates to total deliverance from the said ailment... It could be instantaneous or gradual.

Great signs and wonders do not have to accompany any act of healing by the ministers in question. Naaman expected thunder and volcanic eruption to accompany whatever healing he was expecting from Prophet Elisha. But  from the tone of Naaman “seeing is believing”-----faith says, “Believing is seeing”. The man of God could simply say receive your healing in Jesus name. Just believe the words of the prophets and live. God works with thunder, lightening, volcano, tornado, and etc. if he chooses. But if he has attended to your case silently and quietly the potency is just still the same. God doesn’t need effort to do anything. Amen (I love Him)

When healing takes place you may not feel any physical changes in you. Do not wait for your spirit to be cut off from your body or bedazzled by a very bright light from heaven. Slight shift could be all you can see ,dreams sign and physical appearances are immaterial here. Just believe and that’s it.

You must be born again to enjoy the promise of God here on earth and afterwards in heaven. If you are already born again I rejoice with you. If you are not yet born again, (turning from your old ways of doing things, staying away from the tradition of the flesh). I announce to you that Jesus shed his blood for your sake. You are not condemned, but the blood of the lamb is waiting to wash you clean. Romans 8:1-2 1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death

God has never hated any sinner who turns over to him... He has promised never to cast a contrite hearts away. Sin is the devil’s property, Sinners are God’s endangered property. So let sinners cry unto God for help; before he or she is consumed beyond redemption. Jesus is our good news, our Savior and our Healer. Rejoice for Jesus is waiting to usher us into the mansions he has prepared for us in heaven. John14:2-3 “in my father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. So brethren in patience and in faith lets wait for our king Jesus. Jesus is coming.

The urgency of the King of kings coming is not our business. He is coming means... He is coming!

As sure and real as a night that must come after the day. Death must come after life. Whether we have been healed or not death must come someday. If you are a believer who shudders at the sound of death, you have time now to rectify and mend ways with your creator. Jesus is there waiting for us.

to be continued next on Healing Series 6

God bless you for reading


  1. I agree with the first two means by which healing comes. But I have not seen in the Word of God how Satan can heal or instances where healing came by the hand of satan. Forgiveness of sins and healing I believe are the works of God alone- two-in-one work which satan can't counterfeit.

  2. Wonderful post. I saw an awesome testimony about a girl who was bald from age 2 into her 20s due to alopecia. A janitor at her college mistakingly assumed she had cancer and was going through chemo, thats why she was bald. but she explained her situation and he asked if he could pray for her anyway. She had never been exposed to Christianity growing up... and said okay. She didn't really think about the prayer as she left him, but a few days later her friends noticed she was getting eyebrows. Then, like miracle, hair started growing on her head. What is that verse in James that says..."the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." And we know that those who accept Jesus as Lord, are made righteous through his precious blood.

  3. Praise God! Sidhart am so happy about the comment the thing is this world is a strange place wherby people go to any lenght to get what they want.
    In Africa where am from, many people go to native Doctors for help for mysterious ailments... when they must have exhausted all their options and eventually when they get Home between 2-3months either they die of something else or they get worse by the day. If you want you can check and you will see a lot of mystical healers claiming to heal all kinds of diseases as long as you visit them.
    will stop here should you want to know more, we can talk more about it later
    Godbless thanks for the Visit again

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Godbless you Awanabe, for this wonderful testimony actually the 7th part of the series will be testimonies.
    I will create a link to this testimony on the post if you don't mind,so that people can read it... thanks for sharing this with the people of God.

  6. The story was featured on the 700 Club last week. Maybe there is video posted for it www.cbn.com

    I will look and send you the link if I find it :-)

  7. Ok that will be great !

    Godbless you in Jesus Mighty Name Amen

  8. channelofhealing, this another excellent post. One thing is that in some cases you have to seek medical attention, and I know the hospitals I been before, are big on faith, along with full medical attention they encourage prayers, they encourage family support, and they encourage to believe. And I am glad that we still have that in our society.

    On the other hand, I just wanted to talk about magic. I had conversation with my dad this Sunday about doctors in the old days, and how much there was try and error going on in doctors office during my dad's life. But one of the things was that sometimes people did unusual things thinking that they were doing magic, but in fact it was science. One of them was treatment for rosicia (I think), old ladies would place linen cloth on the area, put some cotton fibers and lit them on fire. They made sign of cross and always thought that it was kind of magic. In fact they did not know that high temperature kills bacteria. So I think the old magic in some cases is pure science, and science sometimes was interpreted as magic. So on the end it is education and knowledge of science, which was impossible to get in the old days. Thank God, they did not burn anybody.

    I thought I share couple of things with you. I find posts sometimes brings memories back and lets me understand why things were done that way then, and this way now.

    Another great post, I really enjoyed it reading, and learning. As much as we think we know everything, we don't, and any piece of wisdom from you is appreciated. Thank you. Anna :)

  9. Glory to God! Anna, for the contribution, I want you to understand that there are so many magical and mystical healers all over the world, I went online to see if I could find stuffs to covince you on these things that not all are "science" I just decided to give you these addresses

    Also the fact that some pastors who purport to be miracle workers are doing it with the powers of the devil and not the Power of God, there are so many pastors in africa that try to mimic the healing pattern of Benny Hinn Ministeries(which is real) for the Bible says that by their fruits we you shall know them"
    we see these things and alot of people come from these fake healing services where the pastors use demonic powers to perform miracles look at this example in the Bible where there where some who tried to immitate the powers of the apostles in perfoming miracles... Acts 19:13-16 13 A team of Jews who were traveling from town to town casting out evil spirits tried to use the name of the Lord Jesus. The incantation they used was this: "I command you by Jesus, whom Paul preaches, to come out!"
    14 Seven sons of Sceva, a leading priest, were doing this.
    15 But when they tried it on a man possessed by an evil spirit, the spirit replied, "I know Jesus, and I know Paul. But who are you?"
    16 And he leaped on them and attacked them with such violence that they fled from the house, naked and badly injured.
    Also check this out too so you would understand that long ago they have been in the act of immmitating the power of God...
    Acts 13:6-11 6 Afterward they preached from town to town across the entire island until finally they reached Paphos, where they met a Jewish sorcerer, a false prophet named Bar-Jesus.
    7 He had attached himself to the governor, Sergius Paulus, a man of considerable insight and understanding. The governor invited Barnabas and Saul to visit him, for he wanted to hear the word of God.
    8 But Elymas, the sorcerer (as his name means in Greek), interfered and urged the governor to pay no attention to what Saul and Barnabas said. He was trying to turn the governor away from the Christian faith.
    9 Then Saul, also known as Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked the sorcerer in the eye and said,
    10 "You son of the Devil, full of every sort of trickery and villainy, enemy of all that is good, will you never stop perverting the true ways of the Lord?
    11 And now the Lord has laid his hand of punishment upon you, and you will be stricken awhile with blindness." Instantly mist and darkness fell upon him, and he began wandering around begging for someone to take his hand and lead him.
    lest i forget anna the Issue here is to tell everybody that only through the Name of Jesus can we be saved. Acts 4:12 12 There is salvation in no one else! There is no other name in all of heaven for people to call on to save them."

    thanks alot my dear hope to hear from you too

  10. Oh boy I hope I did not stir up too much trouble here. Channelofhealing I think this topic is a topic that needs to be discussed in person over nice cup of tea and cookies (or veggies if you like healthy lifestyle, lol), because, it is literally impossible to express it in writing. So I will make sure I cover all the angles clearly, because I just don't want you to misunderstand that I don't believe in Jesus, or God or I don't support my religion. But I also believe in scientific knowledge, that is in fact helping humanity to deal with diseases, sicknesses, environment; but also scientific knowledge when gotten to wrong hands is misused and actually used against humanity, like wars, biological wars, nuclear wars, evil manipulations etc - and that is evil. Thank you for supporting your beliefs with examples, and I do believe you and I always believed you from the beginning, and I have no doubt that this will change. I have seen them before, and I don't support it. The example I gave you and may be I did not emphasize enough, it was just one example that was misunderstood in the old days for magic where in fact it had scientific explanation. There is a lot of other magic stuff out there that I will not even try to understand, because I think it is pure evil manipulation. But you have to agree with me that in the 'old days' old people just didn't have enough knowledge to know, and for them it was magic, but not even the 'evil magic', its just like some of us do mistakes in life, but they are honest mistakes because of misunderstanding. But you also should know that some people went extra step and decided to make a magic and turn against religion, and just became very evil - and that is misuse, and manipulation, and even sacrifies of animals for nothing (that is what the magicians performing magic in public did with pigeons, they just killed one by one and replaced with new ones, very sad). So this is in the old days. Trust me the next generation will have different views and different ways. We will think differently, and the evil people will find way to manipulate others, and misuse information in other ways, just like today's advertising (yeah if you take this pill, you will be healthy 100%, complete false advertising) or your examples - but I really think that evil or goodness or of those who love Jesus is much stronger, and makes us even stronger, it will conquer the evil or any type of manipulation that exists there. For example, its like if we never had a war and one day by surprise someone attacked us, then we wouldn't know how to fight and we would be defeated. Same way if we were all perfect, and everything is all good around us, and then one person turns evil, then we wouldn't know how to deal with it either. I think God has all worked out for us and he knows what he is doing, lol. That is why I believe that everything happens for reason. Your blog is one of the most inspirational blogs I ever came through and you a very strong and I say it twice strong believer in Jesus that is not afraid to tell the world, and I am glad that someone lead me to you. So on the end we may be different, how we approach problems, how we have different opinions, different knowledge (and trust me I am not even there how much you know about the bible), and may be the way we love Jesus, but on the end it is the same 'love'. God bless you, and smile, its all good. Anna :)

  11. Greetings in the Name of the lord!!! Anna, I'd prefer we discussed this over nice cup of tea and cookies/cake LOL,
    Anna do you know what you are to me a true friend and a sister... I must say am impressed at the lenghty comments full of insight and wisdom.
    I believe in science alot because I know that God gave man the wisdom to do all things through Christ taht strengthen us.
    I totally agree with you and would love for you to keep your views coming for the benefit of the kingdom.
    I always talk about you to my husband and any time I talk about you my face lit up, as if we have met cos you show us so much love and time in this time and sge where people are after me, me, me.
    thanks for the comment

  12. channelofhealing, thank you for your kind comment. Yeah may be one day we will be able to sit down and have a nice cup of tea and cookies and have nice discussion about all this. Sorry that I didn't stop by earlier, just things been going on, busy, family, stuff happening etc. Soon as I make one post or one comment, next thing doing something else. Anyway, I appreciate all your kindness and understanding, and thanks for sharing my thoughts with your husband it is really appreciated. And thank God I found you. Thank you, and God Bless you, double times. And thanks for visiting my blog too. Anna :)

    PS I will be back later to finish up my reading :).

  13. Godbless You Anna... I ve got so much love for you trust me on this and I mean it.
    Godbless you right back double in Jesus Mighty Name and I Pray also that those family stuff you talked about... He will take care of them for you.
    Luv Always

  14. channelofhealing, I never really ask anyone for anything (except my husband, lol), but I will take your prayers, thank you so much, Anna :)

  15. Godbless Anna... Godbless


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