How majestic Is Thy Name

Artist: Keith green

Oh Lord, our Lord, how majestic is thy name in all the Earth.

Oh Lord, our Lord, how majestic is thy name in all the Earth.

Thou has displayed thy splendor above the heavens.

Thou has established strength from mouths of infants,

To show all thine enemies.

Oh Lord, our Lord, how majestic is thy name in all the Earth.

Oh Lord, our Lord, how majestic is thy name in all the Earth.

For when I consider the heavens the work of thy fingers.

The moon and the sun which thou hast appointed.

For what is man, that thou dost take thought of him,

And the son of man, that thou doest care for him.

Hallelujah Lord our Lord, oh how I love you.

Hallelujah Lord our Lord, oh how I love you.

You've made man a little lower than all of the angels,

And crowned him with glory to rule over your creation.

And under his feet, you've put the beasts of the field,

The birds of the heavens and what passes through the seas,

The birds of the heavens and what passes through the sea.

Hallelujah Lord our Lord, oh how I love you.

Hallelujah Lord our Lord, oh how I love you.

Hallelujah Lord our Lord, oh how I love you.

Hallelujah Lord our Lord, oh how I love you……


Thank You Jesus !!!  Friends I was getting frustrated by the unavailability of certain videos on the web I would love to use on this blog's "song of the week" posts, and as God would have it  the Holy Spirit gave me the wisdom to Upload my own videos using, pictures of my choice and  still photos of the artists of such songs if available.

This is my first upload to youtube and I think I will be able to upload more videos this way and then post them here so am no longer frustrated, Praise God Hallelujah


  1. How majestic is His name! Just think...He SPOKE, and things were created. Awesome God!

    I am glad you were able to upload Keith Green. Love him!

  2. COH nice words, however, this video is no longer available as per message. Hope you are okay too, Anna :)

  3. How are you?I do hope you're much better.The video is not playing,but the wordings are so inspirational, so great and touching.

  4. Hi Anna it is very available, I did check to make sure


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Bola My sis I am getting stronger daily but trying not to ovework myself at the mooment. I still have the pain although It has really subsided by the Grace of God


  7. Oh! Keith Green!! He was and is such a blessing! I listen to his work all the time, and it never fails to move me. I love his song "Asleep In The Light"! What a wonderful talent! Good choice!

  8. I Love Keith Green.. I believe he was probably the first to bring forth and introduce intimate Worship songs unto the Lord!

  9. Anonymous18:05

    Our God is an awesome God! I pray my friend all is well with you. I have not heard from you in a while. If there is anything I can ever do for you please let me know. I have been praying for you as my Spirit has been led to do so. I know you do not like tags, but I believe you will like this one (at least I hope so). So, stop by and see what you have been tagged with. Love you and blessings!

  10. The joy of the Lord is your strength in Jesus mighty name (Amen).

    Pls visit MumsDadsChildren
    to pick up your blog award

  11. Oh Lorikate I love Keith Green, I also love the "asleep in the light" song too


  12. Sis Tamela, we all love him he was a great instrument of God to a Wicked World


  13. Godbless you sis Valerie thank you so much


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