People Stop Listening To Oprah!!!

 Oprah Winfrey: Jesus Did Not Come To Die On The Cross


 So What do you think my friend? 


  1. Anonymous02:08

    Wow! That shows you...If you don't know what's in the Bible, you can fall for anything!
    She calls herself a Christian, and so many do who are falling for false truths. What a tragedy.

  2. This is truly pathetic, Oprah has moved away along time ago from the God that she once knew. She is now serving the God of this world and sadly taking her millions of followers behind her.
    This is what the power of influence can do.

    Let us keep praying for her, that she will have a life changing encounter with the Lord

  3. Anonymous21:42

    What saddens me the most is the massive number of people who are being deceived by Oprah. We must remember this is Satan working through a powerful person such as her. The deceiver does not care who he uses just as long as he is effective at people turning from God to him. Oprah is powerful in the world's point of view. Millions of people watch her. What better way to turn people against God than by using her. I pray for Oprah. I pray for those who are believing that God is not the only way for salvation. My heart truly aches for her.

  4. Lori Laws you have just mAde an excellent point. . . "If you don't know what's in the Bible, you can fall for anything"!


  5. Amen to that Prayer Gi

    God bless you and I Pray that our God will help you perform your new assignment well in Jesus Mighty Name Amen

  6. Sis Valerie, Our heart aches most for those she is deceiving. imagine the Lord didn't have mercy on me and I kept on following Oprah. I cannot just believe what would have become of me today?

    Godbless and love

  7. Oprah's god is the same as the god of many people. She has created an imaginary god because she cannot believe the God of the Bible. She wants a god who loves everyone and will let everyone into Heaven.

    When songs and authors talk about God and Jesus you have to really check and see what God they worship and if they are preaching another Jesus.

    2 Cor 11:4
    4 For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough. NIV

    Hope you have a Blessed Day,
    Berean Wife

  8. Anonymous23:29

    spot on Oprah queen of new age. please take a look at an old blog on my site.lots of love St.Poddy.

  9. Excellently put Berean wife Oprah has created her own God like she says.

    I am so sad at this woman's behavior even this even when I was using my brothers computer he saw "Oprah denies Christ" and he was like . . . what! how come? I now had to explain to him that she is now selling her own religion and he couldn't believe it

    Godbless you

  10. Excellently put Berean wife Oprah has created her own God like she says.

    I am so sad at this woman's behavior even this even when I was using my brothers computer he saw "Oprah denies Christ" and he was like . . . what! how come? I now had to explain to him that she is now selling her own religion and he couldn't believe it

    Godbless you

  11. Ok Alan Pardoe, will visit it soon I didn't know she has been doing this for along time

  12. Anonymous10:35

    oprah Winfrey should know that some millions of Dollars above a billion Dollars can not qualify her as spiritual authority....and more so; our Holy Spirit that teaches truth and mind of GOD does not come in public speeches, product endorsements,charity donations,tv ads and dollars. OPrah should better ask JESUS to take her back to that simple GOSPEL OF SALVATION lest she perishes with false religion.

  13. Rightyly Said Luckenzo



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