Shocking News!!!


Can you be a Christian and deny the Deity of the Savior you profess to believe in? Yep. And further you can even be inducted into the Southern Gospel Music Hall of Fame as was Joel Hemphill in 2007:

Joel Hemphill is a noted singer-songwriter, evangelist, musician, and author. He and his wife, LeBreeska, formed the Singing Hemphills in the mid 1960s, traveling the quartet circuit to much acclaim... The Hemphill patriarch has penned over 350 songs, many of which became Gospel Music classics...

Over a twenty-year period, from 1970-1990, Hemphill had an average #8 song on the “Singing News” Chart... Along with his singing family, Hemphill is the recipient of eight (8) Dove Awards. Joel has received three (3) BMI Awards of Excellence.

Hemphill’s television appearances include, The Grand Ole Opry, Crook and Chase, The 700 Club, TBN and Gospel Country. They appeared regularly on the Gaither Homecoming videos and were invited guest at the White House for a Gospel singing when President Jimmy Carter was in office. (Online source)

In his 2007 book To God Be The Glory: Exalting the Bible View of God Hemphill clearly denies the Deity of Christ, a cardinal doctrine of the historic orthodox Christian faith. Just so there’s no mistake about his heresy and blasphemy concerning Jesus Christ in his response to criticism Hemphill says:

The focus of my book isn't what Jesus is not, but rather who God the Father is. God is immortal - Jesus was not... Hebrews teaches, and I believe that Jesus did not come in the God family (there is only one God), or the angel family, but in the human family (Heb. 2:7, 9). He is perfect, sinless man, but man nevertheless!...
A God-man could not redeem us. It took a sinless man, the Lamb of God, with righteous blood untainted by the sin of Adam, to redeem mankind. He is the second Adam, not the first God-man... If the disciples who had just seen Jesus ascend to heaven in Acts chapter one, did not pray to him in Acts chapter four, then he is not God!... The incarnation as taught by modern Christianity is a fable.
(Online source, emphasis his)
Archbishop of Canterbury: ‘Christian doctrine is offensive to Muslims’

Christian doctrine is offensive to Muslims, the Archbishop of Canterbury said yesterday.

Dr Rowan Williams also criticised Christianity’s history for its violence, its use of harsh punishments and its betrayal of its peaceful principles.

His comments came in a highly conciliatory letter to Islamic leaders calling for an alliance between the two faiths for ‘the common good’.

But it risked fresh controversy for the Archbishop in the wake of his pronouncement earlier this year that a place should be found for Islamic sharia law in the British legal system.

Dr Williams is also facing immense pressures from inside his own Church of England and Anglican Communion.

A gathering of Anglican bishops from around the world, which begins today, is on the brink of a devastating split over whether homosexuality and gay clergy should win their approval.

The Archbishop’s letter is a reply to feelers to Christians put out by Islamic leaders from 43 countries last autumn.

In it, Dr Williams said violence is incompatible with the beliefs of either faith and that, once that principle is accepted, both can work together against poverty and prejudice and to help the environment.

He also said the Christian belief in the Trinity - that God is Father, Son and Holy Ghost at the same time - ‘is difficult, sometimes offensive, to Muslims’.

Trinitarian doctrine conflicts with the Islamic view that there is just one all-powerful God.

Dr Williams added: ‘It is all the more important for the sake of open and careful dialogue that we try to clarify what we do and do not mean by it, and so I trust that what follows will be read in this spirit.’

He told Muslim leaders that faith has no connection with political power or force, and that Christians have in the past betrayed this idea.

‘Christianity has been promoted at the point of the sword and legally supported by extreme sanctions,’ Dr Williams said.

Islam, he continued, has been supported in the same way and ‘there is no religious tradition whose history is exempt from such temptation and such failure.’

The Archbishop appeared to rebuke his colleague, Bishop of Rochester Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, who criticised his sharia lecture and who maintains that Christianity is central to British law, politics and society.

- Source: Archbishop of Canterbury: ‘Christian doctrine is offensive to Muslims’, Steve Doughty, Mail on Sunday, UK, July 15, 2008

Think On This

II Thessalonians 2:1-12, "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto Him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by work nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is vacated God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity both already work: only He Who now letteth will let, until He be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming: even Him, Whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."


  1. Anonymous07:07

    It is really not compulsory that Joel Hemphill is a renowned gospel singer, song writer that he should have the spirit of GOD. I will not spend my time disputing his beliefs; but remember, Christianity is not for the wise or the learned; but of the heart born of the Holy Spirit.........Not all that call me Lord,Lord shall enter the kingdom of GOD.......LORD JESUS keep my heart simple to receive every instruction in the Bible the book of life without questioning.....or postulating my own theories in JESUS name.

  2. Anonymous07:32

    The Archbishop of Canterbury is full of tea, letters, pen, position, bread, zeal to please men and 99.99% flesh!!!............If not why homosexual bishop in the church?, why the move to harmonise christianity and islam?,why is he advocating for sharia law in britain?,why is he faint hearted about the trinity and islam? The Archbishop of Canterbury please try and repent before you influence more souls to hell fire....LORD JEEEEEEEEEESUS is this the end time???

  3. Both serve as perfect examples of what most demonic "possessions" really are.

  4. Anonymous16:46

    I read these as well, and featured the second piece of news at my blog a few days ago... I think 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 is very apt to describe these events.

  5. Luckenzo, I read up a little on this Joel Hemphill and it's like He has been in the gospel music business for decades and look at what he is telling the world now.

    as for the archibishop of canterbury he should just quit the post and go home and stop decieving the people of God.


  6. You are so correct Fishhawk real demonic possession.


  7. It is So sad Isaiah . Godbless

  8. In my research about the Contemporary Christian Music I ran across many, many artists that think like this. I'm afraid this is more common than we realize.

    Thanks for letting us know about this. I had no clue about this particular artist.

  9. Am shocked at this news Sis Berean!!!



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