Quotes for the Month

A Christian is a keyhole through which other folk see God. -- Robert E. Gibson

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it, but because I see everything by it. -- C.S. Lewis

To be like Christ is to be a Christian. -- Daniel Webster

The measure of a Christian is not in the height of his grasp but in the depth of his love. -- Clarence Jordan

We should live our lives as though Christ was coming this afternoon. - Jimmy Carter

Faith is a living and unshakable confidence. a belief in God so assured that a man would die a thousand deaths for its sake. -- Martin Luther

The purpose of Christianity is not to avoid difficulty, but to produce a character adequate to meet it when it comes. It does not make life easy; rather it tries to make us great enough for life. -- James L. Christensen

It is not hard for the Lord to turn night into day. He that sends the clouds can as easily clear the skies. Let us be of good cheer. It is better farther on. Let us sing Hallelujah by anticipation. -- Charles Haddon Spurgeon


  1. Anonymous01:28

    I love reading Christian quotes. Yet another way to uplift you and increase your faith in Christ. God bless you!

  2. Anonymous09:31

    coh you have a way of reminding me of true christian values; and not the whitewashed type of chritianity that abound this days. Godbless you.

  3. Anonymous18:55

    My favorite quote that you posted is from Clarence Jordan.

  4. Valerie thank God for that, I also do post them from time to time on this blog.
    I do have a quotes page or pages here too so feel free to read them whenever.


  5. we give God all of the Glory!!! Godbless you Luckenzo

  6. Godblless you Yvette , The measure of a Christian is not in the height of his grasp but in the depth of his love. -- Clarence Jordan

  7. Hi COH, 'The purpose of Christianity is not to avoid difficulty, but to produce a character adequate to meet it when it comes. It does not make life easy; rather it tries to make us great enough for life. -- James L. Christensen' - this is my favorite one. Great post as always. I came to collect my award, but I will go in order and read your posts before. Just in case I disappear for few hours that means I am feeding, lol. Baby is doing great, can you believe, he is close to 15 lb now, and growing strong and healthy. Thanks for your visit to my blog, they are always appreciated. God Bless, Anna :)

  8. Hi Anna you are so sweet and baby will grow and grow and take care of you in your old age in Jesus Mighty Name Amen.
    Thanks for taking out time to visist and comment too


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